What Is Marketing?

Marketing is a number of related activities, which starts from providing products or services that meets people’s needs, to promoting those products or services so as to let potential customers know of the existence of the merchandise.

It is vital, in a competitive market, that business owners focus on keeping their customers and clients coming back again and again.

Marketing is concerned with everything involving the transfer of products or services to your customers.  A key term in marketing is the four Ps of marketing.  These relate to:

  • Product
  • Price
  • Place
  • Promotion

Product refers to the total package of goods and services that you provide.

Price is everything that your customer pays to purchase your product.

Place is where you distribute your products to your customers.

Promotion includes everything that you do to get attention to your business and what you are selling.  Promotion can include advertising; direct marketing; public relations; publicity; personal selling, sponsorship of sporting teams or cultural events.

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